With the rise of digital marketing and technology, digital gift cards are experiencing significant growth as a promotional tool for businesses. Many sales teams, marketers, and agencies are using digital gift cards to drive acquisition, build brand awareness, or for use within their loyalty programs.  Digital gift cards help to increase sales successfully while managing marketing campaign costs.

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Digital wallets are one of the hottest trends in retail and for good reason. CBA data shows that, in Australia alone, the 12 mths to March 2021 saw monthly digital wallet transactions increase 90% with the value of transactions more than doubling to $2.1 billion. This explosion in popularity is driven by both an immediate need for

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Committed employees are the lifeblood of any business; without the hard work that they put in, any company would struggle. This means it is necessary to recognise their contributions. First and foremost, it helps them understand just how much you appreciate them and creates an incentive for them to continue working well. This is especially

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In simple terms, an employee incentives program is something a business implements to motivate employees to perform better. It can also help improve job satisfaction and help individuals meet specific goals. A good incentive program is designed around the types of actions you wish to reward. It provides a tool for both managers and colleagues

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Embrace the new year with a motivational, productive team and find simple ways to reward your staff with True Rewards. Not only does rewarding your staff with something they’ll love giving them a reason to work hard, but it will show how much you care about their well being and keep them motivated and productive all

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An alarming number of employees will say that a lack of recognition for their work is the biggest barrier to them maximising their productivity. Recognition can be simple, and a little appreciation can go a long way. Employees will feel recognised as important parts of the company if employers simply show appreciation. Appreciation leads to

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Driving sales growth is a top priority for organizations of all sizes. To achieve exceptional results, companies need a motivated and high-performing sales team. While providing competitive compensation is essential, incorporating goal-oriented corporate incentives can take your team’s performance to the next level. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why sales incentives

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Customer demands for deep personalisation, instant gratification and seamless customer experiences means that companies need to continuously explore new and innovative ways to build customer loyalty. One way that has proven to be remarkably effective over the years is gift cards.

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